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JMH benchmarks

JMH is a modern benchmarking framework. This project implements a few test benches for the XML filters included in this GIT repository.


Run java command line

java -Ddirectory=<dir> -jar target/benchmarks.jar <benchmark name>


java -Ddirectory=./src/test/resources/soap -jar target/benchmarks.jar SoapHeaderBench


java -Ddirectory=./src/test/resources/soap -jar target/benchmarks.jar -rf json ".*Benchmark.*"

for all benchmark. Display with a visualizer like JMH Visualizer.


Benchmark including all pretty-printing xml-filters from this project, compared to various (more or less) reference implementations:

Implementations which offer additional filter capabilities (XPath, text / CDTA node size) are configured in such a way that those capabilities do not take effect. These are

In addition, a reference implementation,

is included. This filter simply copies from input to output and serves as a minimum threshold and sanity check. Run using command

java -Ddirectory=./src/test/resources/soap -jar target/benchmarks.jar IndentBenchmark


Combines an XPath expression with max node length of 127.


The SOAP header use-case requires the first part of the XML document to be filtered, whereas the bulk is to be skipped (kept as-is). A few reference implementations

are compared to tailor-made filters

And a few generic filters

and also

with max node size set to MAX_INTEGER. Again a reference implementation,

is included. This filter simply copies from input to output and serves as a minimum threshold and sanity check. Run using command

java -Ddirectory=./src/test/resources/soap -jar target/benchmarks.jar SoapHeaderBench

Runtime is a few (4-5) minutes.

Example results

All benchmarks should be taken with a grain of salt; the below results give hints to the true performance, but not absolute truth.

Saving a decent amount of time on a small operation will not necessarily improve the overall system performance.

See this visualization for interactive results. Summarized below.


Benchmark Score
DOM 1k
StAX 4.5k
xml-log-filter 26-62K
passthrough 403k


Average time, floored.

Benchmark Score
DOM 0.8-1.2k
SAX 1.4-2k
StAX 2.8k
xml-log-filter 11.5-22.4K
passthrough 404k


Average time, floored.

Benchmark Score
DOM 0.9k
SAX 4.4k
StAX 4-4.5k
xml-log-filter 27.7-51.8K
xml-log-filter app-specific 186-192K
passthrough 403k